Wednesday, January 18, 2006

And the pendulum swings...

The other way. Other than THE STUDENT, who growled at me yesterday (oh yes, growled) I was in a good mood! For once! My kids did so many silly things that made me smile! And I just woke up feeling lighthearted. And craving Funfetti cake. :)

So, after we put the Hethan to bed for the night and worked on the puzzle (winter entertainment for Aaron and I) I told Aaron he had to go to Meijer to get me Funfetti cake mix and frosting, because I had been craving them since Sunday. He asked why I didn't get them when we went grocery shopping, and I explained that I thought that the craving would go away. It didn't. So I baked two cakes last night. Frosted both of them too. Had a piece, and now my craving is gone. :) And hey, I try to do 15-20 minutes on the elliptical every day or every other day, so I DESERVE that cake. Fat is good for the baby's brain development.

And then we watched Scrubs, and I laughed some of the cake calories away. Always good. :) And now, I am off to dry my hair, to get ready for work. It snowed last night. I expect it to be melted by tomorrow, so I plan on taking my kiddos out today at work, assuming they all brought coats, gloves, hats and stuff like that....

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