Wednesday, February 15, 2006

TeeVee junkie

I like to think of myself as an enlightened person. I've read the classics, appreciate and enjoy music, theatre, etc. I enjoy diversity in my life. I'm fairly active. I enjoy intellectual debates, political debates, religious discussion (but not debate), and the company of intelligent people.

So why is it, that on a February evening, I'll choose to sit in front my television, watching Tivoed Lost and Invasion? With my computer on Dave and my jammmies on (new ones tonight, courtesy of Valentine's Day and Target and Aaron), and a flashlight handy with which to torture Carl the Cat... Why will I choose this mind numbing activity instead of something stimulating like reading, or knitting, or something or something....?

It's because I am a Tee Vee junkie. I think the addiction runs in my family. My mother, my brother, my grandmother, me.... we all leave the teevee on for noise, to fall asleep to, to pass the time, to watch the weather. I admit it. I need my fix each day. Whether it's a half an hour of fluff, or something interesting and intellectual, I need the magic light box. Sigh. I'm rotting my brain and I find that I really don't care. :)


Chad B. said...

tv is the opiate of the masses...

and since I don't have cable or try to get antenna I don;t bother

thats a plus of dvd seasons

Darth Shan said...

No Beer and No TV may Homer go ... something.....

"Crazy ?"

Don't Mind If I Do !